On 11.02.2022, the collation of the VR Control Negative project (directed by Monika Masłoń) – one of the six experiences selected in the 2021 competition – took place. The seminar was held in a hybrid form – in cooperation with DOM (Department of Multimedia Services of the Film School in Lodz) the event was realized in the space of the film hall and was broadcast in real time through the closed channel MS Teams.
The collation was attended by: VR/AR Studio managers Pola Borkiewicz and Jacek Nagłowski, Visual Narrative Laboratory managers Krzysztof Franek and Krzysztof Pijarski, and the director of the piece Monika Masłoń together with producer Agnieszka Sural. The schedule of the meeting consisted of three parts: a demonstration (the experience was accompanied by a specially designed installation, which is a permanent element of the project), a presentation (Monika Masłoń introduced those present to the structure of the project) and a discussion (after viewing and presenting the experience, those gathered moved on to detailed discussions about the piece itself). Control Negative was positively reviewed and will soon be ready for distribution.
fot. Magda Wołowska